Unmistakable Excellence in Coffee
since 1961
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Unmistakable Excellence
in Coffee
since 1961

Unmistakable Excellence
in Coffee since 1961
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The ...inconfondibile italian coffee!

Discover a large variety of high-quality products, in beans, grounded, in pods and compatible capsules

The company

Passion for Coffee, a quality - focuse d culture, respect for Customers. Here is Krifi Caffè’s recipe for success.

Since 1961, pursuing an ambitious goal: to provide a top-quality coffee. This is achieved through skilled expertise and qualified technical advice throughout the production chain, together with accurate after-sales service.

Our Coffee

The coffee supply chain.
Krifi Caffé is looking for perfection

The quality of a complex product like coffee depends on many factors. Krifi Caffè ensures to its customers the highest level of excellence, at every step of the supply chain.

Torrefazione Caffè Krifi® S.p.A.
Capitale Sociale € 520.000 interamente versato

Via Bologna 565 – 44124 Ferrara (Italia)
Tel. +39 0532 978444 – Fax +39 0532 978465
Iscrizione Registro Imprese di Ferrara, Codice Fiscale e Partita I.V.A.
n. 01075870384 – R.E.A. n. 130473

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